Symbol of Strength, Motherhood and Love,
Maa Durga.
Durga Puja is an annual festival celebrated in September or October, most notably in Kolkata, in
West Bengal of India, but also in other parts of India and amongst the Bengali diaspora. It marks the
worship of the Hindu mother-goddess Durga. In the months preceding the festival, small artisanal
sculpt images of Durga and her family using unfired clay pulled from the Ganga River. The worship of the
goddess then begins on the inaugural day of Mahalaya, when eyes are painted onto the clay images to
the goddess to life. It ends on the tenth day, when the images are immersed in the river from where the
clay came. Thus, the festival has also come to signify 'home-coming' or a seasonal return to one's
Durga Puja is seen as the best instance of the public performance of religion and art, and as a
thriving ground for collaborative artists and designers. The festival is characterized by large-scale
and pavilions in urban areas, as well as by traditional Bengali drumming and veneration of the goddess.
During the event, the divides of class, religion and ethnicities collapse as crowds of spectators walk
admire the installations.
Durga is an ancient deity of Hinduism according to available archeological and textual evidence.
However, the origins of Durga puja are unclear and undocumented. Surviving manuscripts from the
14th-century provide guidelines for Durga puja, while historical records suggest the royalty and
wealthy families to be sponsoring major Durga Puja public festivities, since at least the 16th-century.
The 11th or 12th-century Jain text Yasatilaka by Somadeva mentions an annual festival dedicated to a
warrior goddess, celebrated by the king and his armed forces, and the description mirrors attributes of
Durga puja.
Now we can discuss about Durga Puja on various prospect of points. Here some useful points are mentioned
below -
Topics: |
History and Origins |
click here |
Rituals and Practices |
click here |
Decorations, sculptures and Stages |
click here |
Celebration of Durga Puja days in Kolkata |
click here |
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